Home :: Kits :: Sail Away - Kit by Connie Prince

Sail Away - Kit by Connie Prince

Sail Away - Kit by Connie Prince
CT Layout using Sail Away Collection by Connie Prince CT Layout using Sail Away Collection by Connie Prince CT Layout using Sail Away Collection by Connie Prince CT Layout using Sail Away Collection by Connie Prince CT Layout using Sail Away Collection by Connie Prince CT Layout using Sail Away Collection by Connie Prince CT Layout using Sail Away Collection by Connie Prince CT Layout using Sail Away Collection by Connie Prince CT Layout using Sail Away Collection by Connie Prince CT Layout using Sail Away Collection by Connie Prince CT Layout using Sail Away Collection by Connie Prince CT Layout using Sail Away Collection by Connie Prince

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. ―  H. Jackson Brown Jr.,   P.S. I Love You Sail Away - Kit by Connie Prince. Includes 16 pattern papers, 9 solid papers, 1 anchor, 1 set of weathered boards, 2 bows, 2 bubble scatters, 2 buttons, 1 dolphin pod silhouette, 4 ephemera elements, 1 set of 3 fish, 1 flag, 9 floewrs, 1 rope frame, 1 wooden frame, 1 seagull scatter, 1 mermaid scale heart, 1 journal m15, a dolphin sighting label, 1 rough seas label, 1 salt air label, 1 seaside label, 1 seas the day label, 1 whale watching label, 1 you me and the sea label, 1 life saver, 1 net, 1 pair of oars with rope, 4 ribbons, 1 sail boat, 1 scatter, 1 sea horse, 1 sea plant, 3 shells, 2 splatters, 1 double starfish element, 1 single starfish, 1 stitched line, 1 tag, 2 twigs, 1 ocean word, 1 sea word, 1 complete alpha/ number set (includes upper and lower case letters, numbers, and common punctuation). Scrap for hire / others ok.

SKU cap_sailawaykit
Market price: $6.99
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