"Salutations!" is truly the perfect greeting to welcome a beloved childhood book to your scrapbooking stash and this kit brings the magic home. Salutations tells the story of Charlotte's Web and features your favorite cast of characters. The thoughtful patterned papers call to mind Fern's flowery dresses, banners at the county fair, burlap, wooden fences, and well-worn books. Whether you're reading with family, remembering the book fondly, or simply looking to bring some childhood whimsy to your scrapping, you'll want to bring home Salutations today.
This is part of our May 2020 buffet products. You can purchase the bundled kit or you can get the alpha, elements, papers, and solids all separately. We also have two coordinating CU pack for designers and Template Pack 62 is also sold separately.
Pattern Paper Pack includes: