Home :: Templates :: Sand Blasted Blocks 1 & 2 Template Bundle by Miss Fish

Sand Blasted Blocks 1 & 2 Template Bundle by Miss Fish

Sand Blasted Blocks 1 & 2 Template Bundle by Miss Fish

Sand Blasted Blocks 1 & 2 Template Bundle by Miss Fish gives you 4 template from Sand Blasted Blocks 1 and 4 templates from Sand Blasted Blocks 2 together for a lower price.  With these template you can mix together sandblasted (distressed) paper spots and multiphoto clusters to help you create artsy and fun pages fast. With multiple photo openings, you can scrap all your favorite photos with little effort. Just mix in your favorite kit and artsy touches and you're ready to go!

Templates come in PSD, TIFF, PAGE, and layered individual PNG file formats. Shadows are for preview purposes only.

Scrap for Hire and CT friendly. CU only allowed with Miss Fish Commerical Use products that have their own CU Terms and Conditions.

Release 8/6/21

SKU MFish_SandBBlk1-2Bun
Market price: $8.50
Our price: $8.00
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 478.03MB
Download Time
35 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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