Home :: Collabs And Duos :: Scouting is for Boys {Full Kit} by North Meets South Studios

Scouting is for Boys {Full Kit} by North Meets South Studios

Scouting is for Boys {Full Kit} by North Meets South Studios

If you have a little boy who makes you proud as a Tiger, Cub, Boy Scout or Adventurer, this kit is for you! This adorable kit is great for all your scouting endeavors and more! It contains 16 papers (8 patterns, 8 solids), 51 elements, and a great neutral kraft/chipboard alpha, too! Best of all, it contains plenty of versatile elements and papers to extend the kit use beyond just scouting pages, too! Personal Use and Scrap4Hire/Others approved.

The elements included in this kit are: 1 arrow, 1 border, 1 campfire, 1 clip, 1 compass, 2 curly ribbons, 1 derby car, 1 chrome swirl, 2 fleur de lis, 1 USA flag, 3 frames, 1 journal box, 8 word snippets, 10 "pack numbers," 3 flat ribbons, 1 splatter, 5 stars, 2 stitches, 1 curly string, 1 tag, 1 tent, 1 knotted ribbon, 1 knotted string, 1 twig/leaves

SKU nmss_scoutingboys_kit
Our price: $6.99
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 147.63MB
Download Time
10 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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