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Spring Showers

Spring Showers

You can't bring about new life with out a few showers! Spring Showers celebrates the beauty that follows the rain.
Spring Showers has a full uppercase and lowercase alpha, numbers and some punctuation, 24 Papers, 9 Cardstock Papers, 9 Shimmer Cardstock Papers, and 55 Elements.

Elements included are:
2 Bows
3 Buttons
7 Flowers
3 Frames
Garden Fork
Garden Spade
2 Leaves
Rain Boots
Rain Cloud
5 Ribbons
2 Ric Racs
2 Strings
2 Tags
2 Umbrellas
Umbrella Flowers
2 Watering Cans
7 Word Bits
SKU CDSS_SpringShowers
Our price: $5.00
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 400.11MB
Download Time
29 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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