Home :: Embellishments :: Sea You By The Shore [Flowers & Foliage] by Cindy Ritter

Sea You By The Shore [Flowers & Foliage] by Cindy Ritter

Sea You By The Shore [Flowers & Foliage] by Cindy Ritter
Layout by Chris Layout by Debbie Layout by Debbie Layout by Esther Layout by Kelly Layout by Michal

No matter the season or the weather, there's no place like the shore to relax and unwind. Whether your favorite shore is by the sea, the lake or the riverbank; its always great a place to make memories! The Sea You By The Shore collection was created to help you preserve them.
32 Flower & Foliage Elements
Layouts shown are made with the complete collection and may contain items not included in this product, please see preview and descriptions for contents.
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Elements in .png and papers in .jpg format, no drop shadows unless stated otherwise.
SKU rittc_seayoubytheshore_ff
Our price: $3.99
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 29.83MB
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