Home :: Cards And Calendars :: Seas The Day: Journal Cards by LDrag Designs

Seas The Day: Journal Cards by LDrag Designs

Seas The Day: Journal Cards by LDrag Designs

Beautiful, romantic, amazing beach collection!!!! The sea always has amazing effects on a person's mentality! This collection has it all!

This product includes

8 journal cards. Available in both orientations.

Co-ordinates with Seas The Day kit and extra packs.

3" x 4"    PNG  format     300 dpi

This product coordinates with

Seas The Day

Seas The Day: Graffiti

Seas The Day: Worn Out Papers

Seas The Day: Alphas

Seas The Day: Glitterstyles

but if you want to have them all

and SAVE 40% OFF you can grab the COLLECTION

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SKU ldrag_std_jc
Our price: $2.99
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 26.70MB
Download Time
Less than 1 minute @ 1.8mbs
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