Home :: Bundled Goodies :: Shabby Chic {BUNDLE} plus FWP - LiMiTED EDiTiON

Shabby Chic {BUNDLE} plus FWP - LiMiTED EDiTiON

Shabby Chic {BUNDLE} plus FWP - LiMiTED EDiTiON

SHABBY CHIC {sha-bee-sheek} is more than just an aesthetic; it’s a whole approach to repurposing items and finding beauty in the passage of time. Being faded, worn around the edges, and no longer ‘trendy’ is fully embraced with open arms. While shabby chic was the style du jour in the 90s, its timeless appeal lives on, especially in the scrapbooking world. Shabby Chic perfectly embodies the entire look, from the pastel hues to the worn patterns and weathered wood. Well-loved furniture features heavily alongside cute cottages, blooming flowers, retro-styled appliances, and plenty of lacy elements. Ephemera, transfers, ribbons, and threads add additional shabby touches, which thematic word art and labels add a bit more chic. Throw in some hand-painted watercolor details and you have the recipe for the shabby chic art journaling of your dreams. Find the beauty in the cozy and breathe new life into old stories with SHABBY CHIC.


  • 45 elements
  • 19 add-on elements
  • 14 art accents
  • 5 clusters
  • 26 word arts
  • 12 blended papers
  • 20 patterned papers
  • 21 solid papers
  • FREE MINI KIT:  21 elements & 5 papers

SKU Jumpstart_ShabbyChic_BUN
Market price: $45.00
Our price: $40.50
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 545.16MB
Download Time
40 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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