Home :: Templates :: Simply Stacked Templates 105-120 Bundle by Miss Fish

Simply Stacked Templates 105-120 Bundle by Miss Fish

Simply Stacked Templates 105-120 Bundle by Miss Fish

Simply Stacked is back!!!! This template series is Miss Fish's #1 seller. The series was retired for a short time but she brought it back just for the October 2024 Buffet and for Digital Scrapbook Day. These templates coordinate with the whole Simply Stacked series. This set you get templates 105-120. The Simply Stacked series features large blended photo masks set on a piece of anchor paper and then accented with smaller photos in a cluster with minimal elements. These templates are perfect for travel albums, scrapping sports, family events, celebrations, weddings and more!! 16 - 12x12 digital scrapbooking templates in PSD, TIFF, PAGE and PNG formats.

SKU MFish_SS106-120
Market price: $17.60
Our price: $16.00
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 580.89MB
Download Time
43 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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