Home :: Actions and Styles :: Space Saver Action by Karen Schulz

Space Saver Action by Karen Schulz

Space Saver Action by Karen Schulz

While hard drives aren’t as costly as they used to be, it’s still a good idea to save hard drive space when we can. More space, of course, allows us to have more room for additional files, but extra space also allows our computers to run more efficiently.

The Space Saver Action was designed to perform 3 steps that will create more space on your computer.

The 3-in-1action will: 1) Remove hidden layers; 2) crop extraneous, hidden pixels from your document; 3) save your document as a TIFF file.In addition, each of these 3 steps is offered as a separate action, in case you want to run only one of the steps.

(1) Action (.atn file) for Photoshop and Photoshop Elements users
(1) Informational Document on how this action saves space
(1) Written Instructions on how to use the action. (It's so simple!)
(1) .mp4 Demonstration Video  

WATCH the YouTube video now to see how easy this action is to use!

Tested in Photoshop, Photoshop Elements; Windows and Mac

© Karen Schulz Designs – All Rights Reserved


SKU ks-space-saver-action
Our price: $7.00
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 38.42MB
Download Time
2 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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