Home :: Kits :: Spring Bucket List - Kit by Connie Prince

Spring Bucket List - Kit by Connie Prince

Spring Bucket List - Kit by Connie Prince
Spring Bucket List by Connie Prince

Spring Bucket List - Kit by Connie Prince. Includes 18 pattern papers, 9 solid papers, 1 bee, 1 berry, 2 birds, 1 bow, 1 butterfly, 1 watering can charm, 1 clipart cloud, 2 realistic clouds, 6 coasters, 2 doilies, 1 bee or bird flight path, 12 flowers, 1 watering can boquet of flowers, 1 frame, 1 inked spot, 1 journal mat, 1 kite, 1 feed the birds label, 1 find a rainbow label, 1 fly a kite label, 1 have a picnic label, 1 jump in a puddle label, 1 pick berries label, 1 plant flowers label, 1 take a nature walk label, 1 visit the park label, 1 visit the zoo label, 1 leaf, 1 pair of rain boots, 1 rainbow, 4 ribbons, 1 butterfly button scatter, 1 strawberry, 1 string, 1 sun, 1 twig, 1 umbrella, 1 Spring Bucket List word art, 1 complete alpha/ number set (includes upper and lower case letters, numbers, and common punctuation). Scrap for hire / others ok.

SKU cap_springbucketkit
Market price: $6.99
Our price: $6.99 $3.50 On Sale On Sale
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 257.18MB
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