Home :: Embellishments :: Stay Cozy - Elements by Lisa Rosa Designs

Stay Cozy - Elements by Lisa Rosa Designs

Stay Cozy - Elements by Lisa Rosa Designs

When everything looks like a magical oil painting, you know you are in autumn” ~ M.M. Ildan

Fall is a cozy, delicious transitional season. It’s a magical time for all senses, for communing with family, friends and nature, where cooler temperatures keep us at home longer. Time to relax, meditate, read a good book or just cuddle in a sofa with a cozy blanket while enjoying a hot drink. Season's holidays are a great chance to thank for our bounty, be at home, gather with family and friends and have fun.

All of this has inspired this beautiful collection, created in a warm palette of reds, oranges and yellows, with some notes of brown, green and purple hues, perfect for scrap all those fall memories.

ELEMENTS include:

- 2 apples pieces (in a basket and on a branch), 1 blank, 1 book, 1 border, 1 bow, 2 buttons, 1 candle, 1 caramel apple, 1 cupcake, 1 cup of tea, 1 donut, 4 doodles, 1 fireplace, 20 flowers (3 cut-outs, 4 fabric, 13 paper [1 with fabric center]), 4 foliage pieces, 3 frames, 1 glasses, 2 glitter splatters, 1 glittered leaves, 1 honey jar, 1 hot cocoa, 1 hot spiced cranberry drink, 1 journal, 1 knitting needles and yarn, 4 leaf pieces, 1 marmalade, 1 pot, 1 pumpkin, 1 pumpkin cake, 1 pumpkin pie slice, 1 pumpkin spiced latte, 1 pajamas, 4 ribbons, 2 ricrac pieces, 1 sleepers, 1 socks, 1 sofa, 1 soup, 2 stitching pieces, 2 strings, 1 sunflowers pot, 1 tag, 1 tea bag, 1 teapot, 6 word art pieces (Autumn, Home, my happy place, pie season, stay cozy, warm & cozy), 2 washi tape, 9 wordbits (cuddling season, flavors of fall, happiness in a cup, homebody, I’m staying in, keep warm, my cup of tea, perfect fall day, sweet season), 100 elements in all, created for the highest print quality.

Our price: $5.49
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