Home :: Collabs And Duos :: Steam Driven Safari Kit by The Scrappy Kat

Steam Driven Safari Kit by The Scrappy Kat

Steam Driven Safari Kit by The Scrappy Kat

Grab this kit for a safari straight out of your imagination! Filled with steampunk-inspired animals like a dapper giraffe, elegant oxen and water buffalo, ornate rhinos,and other fantasy animals, you'll also get banners, flair, stitches, tags, fasteners, gears, flowers, frames, and so much more! Use this kit for a unique twist on a trip to the zoo or a fantasy adventure. You'll also get 10 cardstock papers as well as 31 patterned papers with animal prints, steampunk-influenced aged and worn gears, and large-scale jungle-feeling papers.

SKU SKU106743
Our price: $8.00
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 730.75MB
Download Time
54 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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