Home :: Kits :: Steam Punkasaurus MEGA Collab Kit by The Scrappy Kat

Steam Punkasaurus MEGA Collab Kit by The Scrappy Kat

Steam Punkasaurus MEGA Collab Kit by The Scrappy Kat

Steampunk and dinosaurs! What’s not to love?! “Steam Punkasaurus” is filled with 138 elements (including: robot dinosaurs, goggles, buttons, flowers, butterfly, key, stars, footprints, gears, clock, feathers, leaves, lock, scatters, pocket watch, and more!) It also includes 10 cardstocks and 24 patterned papers.
SKU SKU105657
Our price: $10.00
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 312.14MB
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23 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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