Home :: Collabs And Duos :: Summer Garden MEGA Collab by The Scrappy Kat

Summer Garden MEGA Collab by The Scrappy Kat

Summer Garden MEGA Collab by The Scrappy Kat

This massive collab with The Brit Chick has all you need to scrap your gardening adventures. It is packed full with 284 elements (including: bows, butterflies, buttons, doilies, swirls, tags, flowers, leaves, ladybug, mushrooms, scatters, heart, stars, vegetables, glove, aprons, boots, plant markers, basket, gates, tools, hat, wheelbarrow, chair, garden sign, watering can, sickle, rake, twine, pitchers, birdhouse, plants, sunflowers, lettuce, radish, seed packets, and more!) It also includes 24 cardstocks and 26 patterned papers.
SKU SKU104898
Our price: $10.00
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 827.22MB
Download Time
1 hour 1 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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