Home :: Kits :: Sunset Skies by LDragDesigns

Sunset Skies by LDragDesigns

Sunset Skies by LDragDesigns

The magical time when the sun is setting and you watch a beautiful starry night and the big summer moon is what this collection is all about! Summer night skies and good times with friends and family!

This product contains

92 elements, 16 pattern and 16 solid papers

This product coordinates with

Sunset Skies: Borders

Sunset Skies: Journal Cards

Sunset Skies: Cluster Frames

Sunset Skies: Alphas

Sunset Skies: Worn Out Papers

Sunset Skies: Ombre Papers

Sunset Skies: Bokeh Papers

Sunset Skies: Embossed Papers

Sunset Skies: Glitterstyles

But if you want to have them all and SAVE

you can have the Collection

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SKU ldrag_ss
Our price: $7.99
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 238.86MB
Download Time
17 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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