Home :: Bundled Goodies :: Sweater Weather - Bundle by CathyK Designs

Sweater Weather - Bundle by CathyK Designs

Sweater Weather - Bundle by CathyK Designs

A Great collection for all of your cozy fall adventures. SFH/SFO Bundle includes Papers, Elements, Extra Papers, Graffiti, Letterboards, Word Strips Papers: Includes 33 papers (18 patterns and 15 solids) Elements: Includes 94 elements and an alpha (uppercase and lowercase letters, numerals) Extra Papers: Includes 32 papers (4 designs, each in 8 colors) Graffiti: Includes 5 stamps and 15 unique elements Letterboards: Includes 12 letterboards Word Strips: Includes 54 word strips

SKU CK-SW-bundle
Market price: $20.00
Our price: $11.00
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 607.14MB
Download Time
44 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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