Home :: Embellishments :: Sweater Weather {Quote Cards}

Sweater Weather {Quote Cards}

Sweater Weather {Quote Cards}
Layout art created by Mother Bear Layout art created by Olivia123 Layout art created by Olivia123 Layout art created by Mother Bear Layout art created by Renée Layout art created by Layout art created by Ana Santos Layout art created by Ana Santos Layout art created by janik Layout art created by janik Layout art created by lady22 Layout art created by jirsev Layout art created by bryanna Layout art created by Grazyna Layout art created by Chaos Lounge Layout art created by lady22

Autumn is a lot of things but, for many people, it officially begins the “cozy” season.  As the temperatures drop and the leaves change, homes become filled with candles and blankets, and wardrobes transition to sweaters and boots. Some people take “sweater weather” quite literally, while others enjoy wandering the woods for crisp, colorful leaves. No matter how many ways you choose to indulge in the season, Sweater Weather will help you document them with a warm palette, plush textures, and the perfect balance of wood and watercolors. Celebrate the many ways to enjoy this colorful season with this expansive new collection called Sweater Weather! 

11 quote cards

All designs were created at 300 ppi for excellent print quality.

It is possible that some sample layouts may have been designed using a template, and/or may include papers, elements or wordart, that are not included with this product.

Description Thank YouIf you have any questions, you may email me at JumpstartDesignsInc@gmail


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SKU Jumpstart_SwWeath_QC
Our price: $4.50
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
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