Home :: Kits :: Take Me To Paris by LDragDesigns

Take Me To Paris by LDragDesigns

Take Me To Paris by LDragDesigns

*** This product was originally sold in my 2021   iNSD PU Grab bag. Please check your stash before purchasing***

Visit the Amazing city of Love, Paris  with this amazing Paris Collection. Vintage elements and patterns, lovey elements and french elements!

This product contains

73 elements, 14 patterned & 14 solid papers

This product coordinates with

Take To Paris: Cluster Frames

Take To Paris: Journal Cards

Take To Paris: Alphas

Take To Paris: Worn Out Papers

Take To Paris: Embossed Papers

Take To Paris: Glitterstyles

but if you want them all you can have the Collection


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SKU ldrag_tmtp_kit
Our price: $7.99
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 226.80MB
Download Time
16 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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