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Teachers Vol 1 Word Art CU OK

Teachers Vol 1 Word Art CU OK
Teachers Vol. 1 Word Art

"Teachers Vol 1 CU OK" word art pack features a set of 20 high-quality, teacher-themed word art page titles, each saved as individual, transparent PNG files (300 dpi). This download also includes 20 SVG files and an EPS file that will allow you to access the individual files using editing software that will accept EPS files. Please note that the fonts used in each design have been outlined/merged in the EPS file and the text is not editable. 


20 SVG files

20 PNG files (300 dpi)

1 EPS file with all 20 designs


In addition, each of these word art designs is printable and can be used on gift tags, on cards, as overlays on photos, or even as wall art. You can see my website for lots of ideas on how to use my word art in addition to using them in your digital scrapbooking projects.

Feel free to scale the PNG images smaller to suit your needs; it is not recommended to size them larger, or you may lose resolution. The images MAY be re-colored or modified as needed. This product is for commercial use, scrap-for-others, and scrap-for-hire purposes only. Please read the terms listed in the download for more details.

Be sure to visit my site for more deals and digital scrapbooking resources, including word art recoloring tutorials, and page title ideas! 

Bookmark Word Art World today!

Copyright © 2024 | Word Art World

SKU waw_Teachers Set_Vol 1_CU
Market price: $6.00
Our price: $5.00
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 9.08MB
Download Time
Less than 1 minute @ 1.8mbs
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