Home :: Kits :: The Lost Art of... — Pen To Paper Collection by Key Lime Digi Design

The Lost Art of... — Pen To Paper Collection by Key Lime Digi Design

The Lost Art of... — Pen To Paper Collection by Key Lime Digi Design

This is the first of my series of digiscrap kits to come under the theme “The Lost Art of…” They will all focus on a part of daily life that we somehow find ourselves losing touch with a time treasured part of daily life, things that make us feel closer to family, friends and community. I was feeling nostalgic about how I miss getting a real letter in the mail and realized there are plenty of things from the past that are disappearing, becoming a Lost Art. Introducing The Lost Art of Writing...Pen To Paper. This super-sized kit collection has 32 papers and 90 elements. You'll find plenty of ephemera, gorgeous paints, loads of greenery and flowers, all of it in just the YUMMIEST of colors!

SKU SKU465981
Our price: $15.00
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 367.91MB
Download Time
27 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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