Home :: Bundled Goodies :: The Sea Is Calling: The Collection by LDragDesigns

The Sea Is Calling: The Collection by LDragDesigns

The Sea Is Calling: The Collection by LDragDesigns

The Sea Is Calling is sea-marine collection by LDragDesigns filled with blue and green colours

and with beautiful sea and marine elements and patterns.

This product contains

The Sea Is Calling: the kit

The Sea Is Calling: Templates

The Sea Is Calling: Cluster Frames

The Sea Is Calling: Journal Cards

The Sea Is Calling: Bokeh Papers

The Sea Is Calling: Alphas

The Sea Is Calling: Embossed Papers

The Sea Is Calling: Wornout Papers

The Sea Is Calling: Glitterstyles

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SKU ldrag_tsic_bundle
Market price: $32.91
Our price: $13.16
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 603.04MB
Download Time
44 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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