Home :: Kits :: To the Moon and Back by BoomersGirl Designs

To the Moon and Back by BoomersGirl Designs

To the Moon and Back by BoomersGirl Designs

This kit is perfect for celebrating love of all kinds - romantic love, parental love or the love of a special person or pet. It's packed full of adorable bunnies and bears, moons, spaceships, and so much more! As always, I've included a large selection of everyday elements, including flowers, bows, foliage, and ribbons. Two full alphabets are included for creating your own word art and page titles.  

This huge kit includes 34 beautifully textured papers, 93 fun elements, and two full alphabets. All items were created at 300 DPI, perfect for printing.

Elements include: 1 banner, 1 bear in spaceship, 1 bear on moon, 1 bear, 1 bow and arrow, 2 bows, 5 bunny couples, 2 bunnies on moons, 1 bunny on spaceship, 5 bunnies, 7 buttons, 2 clouds, 5 curling ribbons, 6 assorted flowers, 1 frame, 1 graffiti, 2 hearts, 10 labels, 6 leaves, 4 moons, 1 netting, 3 quote stickers, 3 quote strips, 1 ribbon, 1 ricrac, 1 scalloped border, 1 scatter, 1 spaceship with bear, 2 spaceships, 2 stars, 2 layered stitches, 5 strings, 1 tag, 2 pieces of tape, 2 page titles

SKU SKU109545
Our price: $5.99
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 271.62MB
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