Home :: Embellishments :: Toothless Grin ELEMENTS by Heather Z Scraps

Toothless Grin ELEMENTS by Heather Z Scraps

Toothless Grin ELEMENTS by Heather Z Scraps

Losing teeth is a rite of passage for every kid – especially the part where the Tooth Fairy leaves something special under their pillow. Toothless Grin celebrates the losing of teeth and those adorable holes in our favorite smiles. This whimsical kit manages to be simultaneously pastel and bold, perfect for boys and girls alike. There are plenty of teeth and tooth fairies here, along with toothpaste, floss, and toothbrushes to protect those smiles. There’s also money, a bed, and the tooth fairy’s castle to complete the tale. So grab your favorite hole-y smile photos to scrap today with Toothless Grin. This pack includes: 1 arrow, 1 bag, 1 banner, 1 bed, 2 borders, 3 bows, 1 brad, 3 buttons, 1 tooth fairy castle, 9 charms (moon, castle, tooth, toothbrush, wish, coin, tooth fairy, floss, toothpaste), 2 clips, 1 cloud, 1 coin, 2 doilies, 4 tooth fairies, 1 floss, 8 flowers, 2 frames, 2 leaves, 1 moon, 1 pillow, 2 plastic pockets, 6 ribbons, 1 ric rac, 1 star, 2 stitches, 6 strings, 2 swirls, 2 pieces of washi tape, 1 tub of teeth , 2 individual teeth, 1 toothbrush, 1 toothpaste, 1 wand, 1 word art

SKU HZ_TG_elements
Our price: $3.00
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 116.15MB
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8 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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