Home :: Kits :: Top O the Frost by Key Lime Digi Design

Top O the Frost by Key Lime Digi Design

Top O the Frost by Key Lime Digi Design

This kit will bring to mind the time in Autumn that brings a chill in the air and a touch of frost to everything. Eight painterly and shimmery papers (four with edgers) are the building bases for some dreamy page layouts. Elements include several newsprint paper edged doodles and some pretty cool plaid paper animals (deer and wolf), shimmery gold leaf, two rosettes, four flowers, a tag, a paper star, and a shimmery insect among many other elements.

All papers are 3600x3600px (12 x 12 inch) and saved as .JPG files. All elements are saved as .PNG files. Everything is created at 300 dpi for optimum print quality.
SKU SKU56623
Our price: $5.99
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 95.50MB
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7 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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