Home :: Bundled Goodies :: Totally Rad 80s [Bundle] by Cindy Ritter

Totally Rad 80s [Bundle] by Cindy Ritter

Totally Rad 80s [Bundle] by Cindy Ritter

Are you old enough to remember the 80's or do your parents keep telling you how fab they were? This vibrant collection is perfect for scrapping your memories of the 80's with the wonderful fashions, big hairdos and fabulous music! Bundle Includes: 82 Unique Elements 12 Ombre Papers 15 Patterned Papers 20 Solid Papers 12 80's Flair Buttons All at 300dpi. PU/S4H Friendly Sample layouts may include items from the entire collection.

SKU rittc_rad80s_bundle
Market price: $20.95
Our price: $19.99
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Download Size 234.95MB
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