Where magnolias bloom, Mockingbirds sing and Elvis still reigns supreme! This month we travel to the great state of MISSISSIPPI for Connie’s latest TRAVELOGUE collection. The primary color palette goes along with the rest of the travelogue series so you can mix and match all of the other papers and elements, but there are more than enough to create amazing layouts right here. You’ll find themed elements like guitars and jazz instruments, and the state flag, flower and bird. Also included are buttons, scatters, bows, leaves, flowers and coasters. The add-on kits include word art/flairs, word bits and templates. So head on down Old Man River to check out the muddy Miss!
Travelogue Mississippi - Bundle Pack by Connie Prince. Includes Travelogue Mississippi kit, word bits, & 12x12 templates. Scrap for hire / others ok.