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Travelogue South Carolina - Word Bits

Travelogue South Carolina - Word Bits

Travelogue South Carolina - Word Bits by Connie Prince. Includes 30 word bits. Words include: Fort Sumter, Congaree Swamp, Hilton Head Island, McCleod Plantation, Lake Hartwell, Caesars Head, Historic Charleston, Riverbanks Zoo & Garden, Greenville Zoo, King's Mountain, Columbia, Charleston, North Charleston, Mount Pleasant, Rock Hill, Greenville, Summerville, Sumter, Hilton Head Island, Spartanburg, Florence, Goose Creek, Aiken, Myrtle Beach, Myrtle Beach Boardwalk, Harbour Town Lighthouse, Southern Charm, Remember This blank label, 2 blank labels. Scrap for hire / others ok.
SKU cap_travelogueSCWB
Market price: $2.99
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