Home :: Collabs And Duos :: Tricky Tricky Collab Kit by North Meets South Studios

Tricky Tricky Collab Kit by North Meets South Studios

Tricky Tricky Collab Kit by North Meets South Studios

Cast a magic spell on your scrapbook pages with Tricky Tricky - a new collection from North Meets South Studios (Trixie Scraps and Connie Prince). With a palette perfect for boys or girls, and plenty of versatile elements and papers, this collection is great for magic parties, shows and birthday parties, and so much more! The full kit contains 24 papers (16 patterns and 8 solids), 68 elements, and a unicase alpha with numbers and common punctuation. Approved for S4H/S4O and Personal Use, as well.

The individual elements included in this collection are as follows: 1 bow, 3 bowties, 8 playing cards (4 with center suit symbol and 4 blank), 4 buttons, 2 pair of dice, 9 flowers, 3 frames, 1 ink splatter, 3 magic hats, 1 magic wand with stars, 8 plastic stars, 1 rabbit, 1 rabbit in a magic hat, 3 ribbons, 1 star scatter, 3 glittered stars, 1 string, 1 twig and 5 wordart pieces. The alpha includes unicase letters, numbers and common punctuation, all offered as both individual characters and in alpha sheet format.

SKU nmss_trickytricky_kit
Our price: $6.99
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 209.55MB
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