Home :: Collabs And Duos :: Wrapped in Ribbons {Collab Kit} by North Meets South

Wrapped in Ribbons {Collab Kit} by North Meets South

Wrapped in Ribbons {Collab Kit} by North Meets South
Wrapped in Ribbons by North Meets South Studio CT Layout using Wrapped in Ribbons by North Meets South Studio CT Layout using Wrapped in Ribbons by North Meets South Studio CT Layout using Wrapped in Ribbons by North Meets South Studio CT Layout using Wrapped in Ribbons by North Meets South Studio CT Layout using Wrapped in Ribbons by North Meets South Studio CT Layout using Wrapped in Ribbons by North Meets South Studio CT Layout using Wrapped in Ribbons by North Meets South Studio CT Layout using Wrapped in Ribbons by North Meets South Studio

If you are anything like us, you take a TON of photos of your kids and loved ones opening all your carefully chosen and wrapped packages each holiday season. And then, you can never find enough great kits to scrap that mountain of new photos each year. With our new Wrapped in Ribbons collection, you'll have just what you need to scrap all those fun photos! Done in a bright, contemporary holiday palette, this fun collection is packed with lots of ribbons, bows, gift elements, fun patterns and more. You are sure to get lots of use out of this fun and super versatile collection. The full kit includes 19 papers (12 patterns, 7 solids), 48 elements and 1 full alpha, including numbers and essential punctuation. All papers created at 300dpi in JPG format. Elements/alpha all created at 300dpi in PNG format. This collection is approved for personal use as well as Scrap4Hire/Others.

The elements included in this collection are as follows: 4 buttons, 3 curly ribbons, 1 curly string, 2 embellished/layered circle elements, 8 flowers, 3 frames, 1 pine bough, 6 presents, 1 ribbon bow, 1 stitched border, 1 straight ribbon, 1 spiral stamp, 7 tags, 1 ornament border, 1 glittered tree border, 1 decorated tree, and 6 wordart pieces

SKU nmss_wrappedribbons_kit
Our price: $6.99
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 216.62MB
Download Time
16 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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