Home :: Bundled Goodies :: Warms My Heart Collection by ScrapChat Designs

Warms My Heart Collection by ScrapChat Designs

Warms My Heart Collection by ScrapChat Designs

Simple pleasures, like petting a soft cat or dog, sipping a warm cup of coffee, or enjoying a piece of chocolate, have a special way of warming the heart. Capturing these moments through scrapbooking adds another layer of joy, preserving the small, meaningful experiences that often go unnoticed.

Warms my heart collection contains 70 elements, 16 patterned papers, 14 cardstock, 10 journal cards, 10 torn blended papers and 4 quick pages.

NOTE: 35 of the kit elements, 10 of the kit papers and 5 of the kit cardstock were previously given away. Please check your stash prior to purchasing.

Everything created at 300dpi with care. Layouts shown may contain products not included in this pack. Copyright 2024/2025 ScrapChat Designs.
SKU SKU109624
Market price: $15.46
Our price: $7.00
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 458.44MB
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33 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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