Home :: Kits :: We Are One Page Kit by JB Studio

We Are One Page Kit by JB Studio

We Are One Page Kit by JB Studio

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We Are One scrapbook collection by JB Studio was created to give you hope. It offers a page kit, an art journal kit, and 2 additional packs.

You’ll find everything and more for all your scrapbooking projects in We Are One and, as always, it’s versatile enough to scrap a variety of memories, family events and everyday life.

The Page Kit Contains: 16 patterned papers + 83 elements

All saved in JPG/PNG format at 300ppi for best quality printing.

License: Personal Use, SFH/SFO. For further details, read the Terms of Use. 

Please note that layouts shown as additional images are samples of use and usually are made with the whole collection when there’s one. They might include elements or templates from other collections.

SKU jbsWAO040520206
Our price: $7.50
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 91.33MB
Download Time
6 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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