Home :: Kits :: We Salute You KIT by Heather Z Scraps

We Salute You KIT by Heather Z Scraps

We Salute You KIT by Heather Z Scraps

Whether telling stories of their soldier on active duty, preserving those memories they missed at home, or capturing those tearful homecomings, scrapbooking is near and dear to many military families. We Salute You pays tribute to our armed forces. This bold kit builds its color palette from rich hues of red white, and blue and camo greens, tans, and browns. It contains a multitude of servicemen and servicewomen for every branch – Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines – along with planes, tanks, ships, jeeps, helicopters, and dog tags. There are even toy soldiers for playing pretend. This kit is heavily themed but complements many of Heather's other kits perfectly – perfect for mixing and matching for all kinds of occasions. Not a military family? This kit can be used for parades, playing soldier, museum visits, and so much more. Regardless of who you are saluting, scrap their story with We Salute You.


24 bold patterned papers, 14 grunged solid papers, 3 full alphas (uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and punctuation), 2 airplanes, 3 Air Force boys (brunette, blonde, and redhead), 3 Air Force girls (brunette, blonde, and redhead), 1 pararescue, 1 Air Force word art, 3 Army boys (brunette, blonde, and redhead), 3 Army girls (brunette, blonde, and redhead), 9 Army ranks, 1 grenade, 1 helicopter, 1 jeep, 1 tank, 1 Army wordart, 1 arrow, 1 border, 2 bows, 2 buttons, 2 charms, 1 clip, 1 dog tags, 6 flowers, 1 frame, 2 leaves, 2 boats, 3 Marines boys (brunette, blonde, and redhead), 3 Marines girls (brunette, blonde, and redhead), 1 Marine word art, 1 anchor, 3 Navy boys (brunette, blonde, and redhead), 3 Navy girls (brunette, blonde, and redhead), 1 life preserver, 1 ship's wheel, 1 Navy word art, 5 ribbons, 1 ricrac, 2 rope, 1 stitching element, 5 strings, 1 swirl, 2 toy soldiers, 2 washi tape

***Please note: There are a total of 6 "kids" per branch (3 boys and 3 girls).  Each "kid" has a different hair and eye color (examples shown above), however all of these are not pictured on the preview to save space.***

SKU HZ_salute_kit
Our price: $8.00
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 480.44MB
Download Time
35 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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