Home :: Templates :: Weekly Collection 3 Pocket Templates by JB Studio

Weekly Collection 3 Pocket Templates by JB Studio

Weekly Collection 3 Pocket Templates by JB Studio

A digital scrapbooking layered template pack by Just Because Studio. A set of 4 Page Templates (12 x 12in) perfect to fit pocket pages for Project Life albums. Provided in PSD, TIFF, PNG & PAGE formats, some are shadowed. Dress them up with your favorite photos, papers, and elements! Try rotating and flipping the entire templates for more options.

License: Personal Use, SFH/SFO and Commercial Use For further details, read the Terms of Use. 

Important Notes: Layouts shown as additional images are samples of use and sometimes they might include elements or templates from other collections.

SKU jbsWeekly032920193
Our price: $5.99
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 167.14MB
Download Time
12 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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