Home :: Embellishments :: Well Planted Blooms by Aimee Harrison

Well Planted Blooms by Aimee Harrison

Well Planted Blooms by Aimee Harrison

Well Planted Blooms by Aimee Harrison

Nothing breathes more life into a room than beautiful plants! I love them and we have a lot. Tyler has a green thumb and I wanted to celebrate the beautiful green plant with this collection!

This digital art product includes:

  • 18 Paper Flowers
  • 3 Foliage

Colors: White, Grey, Taupe, Brown, Tan, Gold, Olive, Green
Theme: Plants, Outdoors, Nature
Season: Summer

Designed for digital scrapbook, art journaling pages and photo books but can also be used for greeting cards, party decorations, cup cake toppers, invitations, tags, or any printable art project.

Information about this product:

  • License: Personal Use, Scrap for Hire (S4H) and Scrap for Others (S4O).
  • Some of the Creative Team pages in the detailed images may include elements NOT INCLUDED in this product. Please check the detail description for what is included with this product.
  • All products are created at 300 ppi for quality printing results.
  • Elements (if included) are provided in PNG format: which are generally compatible with all applications.
  • Papers (if included) are provided in JPG format; 12" x 12" unless otherwise specified
  • Tif format (if included) is the same as PSD format but can be used by any application that can open a layered file.

© Aimee Harrison - All Rights Reserved

SKU aimeeh-WellPlanted-bl
Our price: $3.99
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 40.24MB
Download Time
2 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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