Home :: Paper Packs :: Winter Holiday: Mountain Cabin Papers by JB Studio

Winter Holiday: Mountain Cabin Papers by JB Studio

Winter Holiday: Mountain Cabin Papers by JB Studio

In the heart of the snow-kissed woods, our winter cabin stands as a sanctuary of warmth and love. Wrapped in cozy blankets, we share tales by the crackling fire, our laughter echoing through the serene landscape. Outside, the world is hushed in a blanket of snowflakes, but inside, our hearts dance to the silent melody of winter's enchantment. Winter Holiday: Mountain Cabin celebrates Valentine’s Day in a unique way.

>>> SAVE BIG when you purchase the WH: Mountain Cabin bundle!!

THE DOWNLOAD INCLUDES: 15 papers, all saved at 300ppi

License: PU, S4H/S4O

Please note that sample layouts usually are created with a template, and might include elements from other collections.


SKU jbsWHMCabin3
Our price: $4.29
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 62.13MB
Download Time
4 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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