Home :: Bundled Goodies :: Winter Shivers {Complete Collection}

Winter Shivers {Complete Collection}

Winter Shivers {Complete Collection}
Layout art created by Mother Bear Layout art created by janik Layout art created by Ana Santos Layout art created by jirsev Layout art created by Grazyna Layout art created by Mother Bear Layout art created by Lana Beber Layout art created by janik Layout art created by lady22 Layout art created by Lana Beber Layout art created by lady22 Layout art created by Ana Santos Layout art created by nibylandia-11 Layout art created by bryanna

Cold, frosty days with snowflakes spinning round and round are not everybody’s cup of tea. While some people excitedly wait for enough to accumulate, others are more inclined to stay inside by the fire. No matter how you feel about the snow this season, it plays an important part in our memory keeping. Winter Shivers caters to those who find a light dusting adds a bit of sparkle to everything - whether you prefer to be out and about or watching out the window. Deep blues, rich blacks, and crisp reds perfectly stand out against snowy white. Hints of glitter sparkle and glisten, if only you take the time to look. Children and their dog frolic and play amongst snowballs, snowmen, and plenty of unique snowflakes. Polar bears and penguins join in, alongside snowy white birds, dripping icicles, and frosty branches. Cheerful wrapped presents, decorated trees, and a heavily-laden sled make a special appearance before disappearing for another year. Winter Shivershas plenty of inspiration for you to brave the snow, including thematic word art - both cheerful and snarky - to capture your feelings on the cold temperatures. Even if you’re not feeling “snow in love”, you can fake it with style. Warm up after a day of frosty fun and document the season with Winter Shivers.

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Includes all other packs except quick pages


All designs were created at 300 ppi for excellent print quality.

NOTE: It's possible that some sample layouts have been designed using a template, and/or includes papers, elements or wordart, that are not included with this product.


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If you have any questions, you may email me at JumpstartDesignsInc@gmail


SKU Jumpstart_WintShiv_CC
Market price: $55.50
Our price: $49.95
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 796.25MB
Download Time
58 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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