Home :: Kits :: Woodland Wonder - Kit by Connie Prince

Woodland Wonder - Kit by Connie Prince

Woodland Wonder - Kit by Connie Prince
Woodland Wonder by Connie Prince Woodland Wonder by Connie Prince CT Layout using Woodland Wonder by Connie Prince CT Layout using Woodland Wonder by Connie Prince CT Layout using Woodland Wonder by Connie Prince CT Layout using Woodland Wonder by Connie Prince CT Layout using Woodland Wonder by Connie Prince CT Layout using Woodland Wonder by Connie Prince CT Layout using Woodland Wonder by Connie Prince CT Layout using Woodland Wonder by Connie Prince CT Layout using Woodland Wonder by Connie Prince

Woodland Wonder - Kit by Connie Prince. Includes 16 pattern papers, 10 solid papers, 2 arrows, 1 wreath with journal space, 1 blank label, 1 butterfly, 4 buttons, 1 carbiner, 2 clouds, 2 ephemera elements, 2 feathers, 8 flowers, 1 red fox, 1 frame, 2 geometric shapes, 1 wooden heart disc, 1 hiker symbol, 1 wooden hoof print disc, 2 inked spots, 1 journal mat, 1 adventure label, 1 explore label, 1 explorer label, 1 forest friends label, 1 wild & free label, 1 wild one label, 1 leaf, 1 metal pieces element, 1 moose, 1 wooden paw print disc, 1 racoon, 3 ribbons, 1 ricrac, 1 scatter, 2 splatters, 1 stitched line, 1 string, 1 tag, 1 piece of tape, 2 trees, 1 set of tree trunks, 2 twigs, 1 nature walk word art, 1 wonders of nature word art, 1 woodland wonder word art, 1 woodslice, 1 woodslice border, 1 wreath, 1 complete alpha/ number set (includes upper, numbers, & common punctuation). Scrap for hire / others ok.

SKU cap_woodlandwonderkit
Market price: $6.99
Our price: $6.99 $3.50 On Sale On Sale
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 252.45MB
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