Home :: CU- Designer Resources :: Yellowstone Park CU Templates - Scraps N Pieces

Yellowstone Park CU Templates - Scraps N Pieces

Yellowstone Park CU Templates - Scraps N Pieces

Taking a road trip to a national park is a time-honored family tradition. Many generations have taken photos next to the same signs and sights in the past hundred years, especially in Yellowstone. Document these wild adventures for future generations with Yellowstone Park. This CU pack is perfect to add to your national park making goodies for you kit creations.


Includes 7 layered TIF templates 

  • bear
  • buffalo
  • deer
  • eagle
  • elk
  • moose
  • wolf
Our price: $6.99
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 1.07MB
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Less than 1 minute @ 1.8mbs
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