Home :: Kits :: You Are - Kit by Aprilisa Designs

You Are - Kit by Aprilisa Designs

You Are - Kit by Aprilisa Designs

You Are - Kit is created by Aprilisa Designs

Coordinate perfectly with other You Are - Collection by Aprilisa Designs

8 solid papers,
18 pattern papers,
1 beads spill,
2 birds,
2 bows,
2 bubble talks,
2 butterflies,
5 buttons,
1 card,
1 cloud,
1 dragonfly,
4 flairs,
3 flower stickers,
10 assorted flowers,
4 frames,
2 hearts stickers,
1 hearts trim,
7 labels,
1 lace,
4 leaves,
1 music not,
2 ribbons,
1 rickrack,
2 sequins spills,
2 strings,
3 ribbon trims,
3 wordarts,
10 wordstrips

SKU aprilisa_youare_kit
Our price: $6.00
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 213.72MB
Download Time
15 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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