Home :: Bundled Goodies :: You Say Value Bundle by Trixie Scraps Designs

You Say Value Bundle by Trixie Scraps Designs

You Say Value Bundle by Trixie Scraps Designs

Inspired by Lauren Daigle's hit song, this collection from Trixie Scraps is perfect for scrapbooking about your faith and so much more! This value bundle includes seven pieces of the collection at a savings of 30% off the regular individual price of each item! Included is the full kit (25 papers, 47 elements, 1 full alpha); sixteen 12x12 embossed cardstocks; ten 12x12 glitter papers; twenty-eight 12x12 bonus papers; a bonus alpha in six color variations, a set of four 12x12 page templates, and a pack of six wordart clusters! Approved for S4H/S4O and Personal Use, as well. Please observe the TOU included in your download.
SKU ts_yousay_bundle
Our price: $27.93
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 642.39MB
Download Time
47 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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