Home :: Embellishments :: Some Hard Times Blendables by ADB Designs

Some Hard Times Blendables by ADB Designs

Some Hard Times Blendables by ADB Designs

The dust bowl days in the southern prairies of the United States and the world wide depression of the 1930s were hard times indeed. These were the days that my parents grew up. My father was 13 in 1930; my mother was 10; by the time World War II came to the United States, they were just barely adults. What a time to grow up!  And for my grandparents, what a challenging time to raise a family. For most of you, your parents or your grandparents experienced these hard times too.

I wanted to create a collection that I could use to tell the stories of my parents and grandparents. In my father’s family, that meant extreme poverty and “getting by”.  In my mother’s family, life was easier. Mom lived on a farm not touched by the severe drought and there was plenty of food to feed the family. But that did not mean there was an abundance of anything and money was tight.

As in any time, however, you could chose to find ways to have fun and look to the future.  My parents remembered fondly Saturday serial movies they attended; of theatre productions and summer concerts in the park they enjoyed. There were game nights and picnics and family reunions.

This collection is designed for Heritage layouts HOWEVER, it can also be used by scrappers for modern photos and traditional layouts, making it very versatile and a great collection for your stash.

Included in the Some Hard Times Blendables:

  • 4 large decorative blends, ready to help you complete pages quickly.
    Blendables can be sized down for usage as accent or used full size to create unique backgrounds for your pages.

Each product is offered individually for your convenience; however, the bundle is always your best value.

Information about this product:

  • 300 ppi for quality printing results
  • Personal Use [PU, S4H, S4O]
  • Elements are provided in PNG format, appx. 12x12.

© ADB Designs - All Rights Reserved

Our price: $4.00
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 57.09MB
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4 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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