Home :: Kits :: The Storyteller AO Page Kit by ADB Designs

The Storyteller AO Page Kit by ADB Designs

The Storyteller AO Page Kit by ADB Designs
The Storyteller Add-On Page Kit Elements by ADB Designs The Storyteller Add-On Page Kit Papers by ADB Designs Layout by Cathy - The Storyteller by ADB Designs Layout by Cynthia - The Storyteller by ADB Designs Layout by Denise  - The Storyteller by ADB Designs Layout by JM - The Storyteller by ADB Designs Layout by Maureen - The Storyteller by ADB Designs Layout by Pia - The Storyteller by ADB Designs Layout by Renee  - The Storyteller by ADB Designs

As parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles … we are storytellers. We tell our story, our ancestor’s stories, and we tell the story of everyday life today, as it happens. Storytelling is a unique, and necessary, human activity. The most important stories do more than entertain or chronical events. The most important and universal stories are the stuff of legend and myth.

The Storyteller uses multiple ways to convey the story: written word, dance, spoken word, music, painting, sculpture, drama, photography and more … used either singly or in combination. As scrapbookers we are lucky, we get to convey our stories and we also get to tell the story of other storytellers!

My main collection is about storytelling from the adult perspective and my add-on collection focuses more on children and their stories.

Included in The Storyteller AO Page Kit:

  • 12 patterned papers
  • 43 unique elements
  • Detailed elements list: 1 45rpm record in sleeve, 1 berry branch, 3 closed books, 2 bows, 1 butterfly, 1 button, 1 dancer ephemera, 1 open diary, 2 children’s book illustrations, 1 crayons, 13 flowers, 4 foliage, 3 frames, 1 lace, 1 pointe shoes, 1 record player, 2 ribbons, 1 string, 1 tag, 1 tie, 1 treble clef.

Each product is offered individually for your convenience; however, the bundle is always your best value.

Information about this product:

  • 300 ppi for quality printing results
  • Personal Use [PU, S4H, S4O]
  • Elements are provided in PNG format: various sizes
  • Papers are provided in JPG format; 12” x 12”

© ADB Designs - All Rights Reserved

Our price: $6.00
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 189.61MB
Download Time
14 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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