Home :: Kits :: A Charmed Halloween from Designs by Lisa Minor

A Charmed Halloween from Designs by Lisa Minor

A Charmed Halloween from Designs by Lisa Minor
Rachelle Marlyn papers elements zoom view

45 papers
92 elements including: 4 borders, 3 border scatters, 14 bows, 9 buttons, 7 hanging charms, 12 flowers, 2 pumpkin frames, 4 frames, 4 leaves, 9 spriggles, 2 staples, streetlamp, tag string, 8 tags, 1 web and 11 chromed tags
SKU SKU75067
Our price: $6.99
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 294.83MB
Download Time
21 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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