Home :: Kits :: Brilliant Fall from Designs by Lisa Minor

Brilliant Fall from Designs by Lisa Minor

Brilliant Fall from Designs by Lisa Minor
Lisa (Me) Lisa (Me) Joanne Marlyn Robin Denise Joy Steph papers elements zoom view

This Digital Art Product Includes:
57 papers 132 elements, including: 24 bows, 10 brads, 7 doilies, 4 flourishes, 31 flowers, 15 frames, 1 leaf, 4 leaf scatters, 11 ribbons, 1 scatter, 7 scroll borders, 5 splatters, 3 spriggles, 4 stamps and 5 beaded vines.

Brilliant Fall is a Digital Scrapbook Kit from Designs by Lisa Minor. It includes a variety of elements to create fall-themed scrapbook pages, digital art, and printable art projects.
This product was designed for digital scrapbook pages and photo books but all products are created at print quality for use in printable art projects.
Use them for: Digital Scrapbook pages, printable art projects, greeting cards, table tents, name tags, home decor, journals.
Colors: Blue, Orange, Green, Yellow
Season: Suitable for all seasons
Theme: fall, autumn, leaves

Sample layouts may include elements or use templates that are not included in this product.
Visit my Gallery to see digital scrapbook pages and other creative works of art made with my designs.

Information about this product: This is a digital art product. All files are created at 300 dpi for quality printing results. Elements, if included are provided in PNG format. Papers (if included) are provided in JPG format with at least one copy sized to 12X12 for use in creating digital scrapbooks.

This product is licensed for: Personal Use {PU} and S4H, S4O
© Designs by Lisa Minor - All Rights Reserved



SKU SKU77898
Our price: $8.49
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 414.44MB
Download Time
30 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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