Home :: Bundled Goodies :: Buzzbee Scraps: Festive Bundled Goodies

Buzzbee Scraps: Festive Bundled Goodies

Buzzbee Scraps: Festive Bundled Goodies
Anke Ginette KarenD Pippin Ginette2 Yvonne Laura Yvonne552 Tanja demma_b132 Elizabeth Ginette3 Marilyn Marilyn2 Sharon

Save while you scrap with this adorable bundle. Christmas themed and full of cute characters and greens and soft reds. There is also an Australian (warm weather) Christmas Add on. Think 'Surfing Santa' lol.

Bundle includes;
Festive Full Kit
Festive Add On Pack
Aussie add On Pack
SKU SKU108983
Our price: $7.99
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 324.26MB
Download Time
24 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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