Home :: Templates :: Holiday Building Blocks Template Bundle by Miss Fish

Holiday Building Blocks Template Bundle by Miss Fish

Holiday Building Blocks Template Bundle by Miss Fish

Holiday Building Blocks Template Bundle by Miss Fish help bring some magic to your holiday photos. These templates are designed to show off your pictures and stories with just a few added elements to make it all shine. Fast and easy to use, Holiday Building Blocks makes scrapping these precious memories easy and without a lot of effort. These templates are easy to modified or mix with other Building Blocks Templates by Miss Fish to create that custom album you are looking for! Templates come in PSD, TIFF, PAGE and individual PNG layered files. Shadows are for preview purposes only and are not included on layered template files. Scrap 4 Hire/ Scrap 4 Others/Scrap 4 CT Friendly Release 11/28

SKU MFish_HolBulBlkBun
Market price: $16.00
Our price: $12.00
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 79.65MB
Download Time
5 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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