Home :: Paper Packs :: Monthly : Sunflowers - Papers by Neia Scraps and JB Studio

Monthly : Sunflowers - Papers by Neia Scraps and JB Studio

Monthly : Sunflowers - Papers by Neia Scraps and JB Studio

“Because somehow, the sun rises each day. Emerging from the horizon, brighter and more beautiful than the previous day. You'll rise from the horizon too, learning to trust again. Learning to love again. Learning to heal. You'll emerge so bright that the haters will be blinded. And darling, you'll be the sun then, bright and beautiful, but they won't be your sunflowers.”
― Minahil


23 Patterned Papers

*All elements and papers are created at 300 dpi for quality printing in png (elements) and jpg (papers) format.

**Drop-shadows are for preview only.

***Personal Use, S4O/S4H OK.

**Please note** that layouts shown as additional images are samples of use and usually are made with the whole collection when there’s one.
They might include elements or templates from other collections.

Please see Terms Of Use for more information. Or send me an email: neia.scraps@gmail.com

© 2021 Designs by Neia and Dani
SKU neia-msunflowers-pp
Our price: $4.00
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 34.70MB
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2 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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