Home :: Kits :: My Secret Garden by LDragDesigns

My Secret Garden by LDragDesigns

My Secret Garden by LDragDesigns

My Secret Garden is a collection full of greenery, birds, butterflies and flowers that a great garden can have.

Scrap all those garden and spring memories with this beautiful collection.

This product contains

14 patterned and  14 solid papers and 82 elements

This product coordinates with

My Secret Garden: Journal Cards

My Secret Garden: Cluster Frames

My Secret Garden: Worn Out Papers

My Secret Garden: Alphas

My Secret Garden: Embossed Papers

My Secret Garden: Glittersyles

My Secret Garden: Wordart

but if you want to have them ALL and SAVE

you can have The Collection

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SKU ldrag_msg_kit
Our price: $7.99
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 190.48MB
Download Time
14 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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