Home :: Quick Pages and Albums :: New Kid in Class Quickpages by Trixie Scraps Designs

New Kid in Class Quickpages by Trixie Scraps Designs

New Kid in Class Quickpages by Trixie Scraps Designs

Check out this fun school-themed digital scrapbooking collection from Trixie Scraps - perfect for scrapping all your back to school photos this year – whether you have a “new kid in class” … or not! This quickpage album includes six 12x12 quickpages, saved as 300 dpi PNG files. Approved for S4H/S4O and Personal Use, as well. Please observe the TOU included in your download.

Make sure to check out the coordinating pieces from the whole collection!

If you have a question or comment for me, it's easy to reach me!

Just a note about my products - unless otherwise noted:
  • All my papers are always created at 300dpi and are 12x12 in size, JPG format
  • My elements are always created at 300 dpi, PNG format
  • Template packs include layered PSD & TIF files; individual layers in PNG format; and PAGE file format for Creative Memories Storybook Creator software users. Templates are approved for limited Commercial Use by designers creating Quickpages for sale from their own kits. See the TOU for full details.
  • Drop shadows are for preview purposes only.
  • My personal use products are S4H/S4O approved
  • You can read my full Terms of Use (TOU) anytime by clicking here

SKU ts_mkf_newkidclass_qp
Our price: $3.99
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 119.00MB
Download Time
8 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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